Residential Services

BVHPF has provided residential services for formerly-homeless families since the early 2000s, enabling them to maintain stable housing and live independently. Clients are referred to these programs through San Francisco’s coordinated care system. 

A black and white silhouette of a house on a white background.

Arlington Residence

The Arlington Residence is an SRO apartment building in the Tenderloin for 150 formerly homeless adults. We provide comprehensive case management services to residents so they may maintain secure housing and access resources for greater health and well-being. 

A black and white silhouette of a house on a white background.

Bayview Hill Gardens and Monterey Apartments

These apartment residences in Bayview and Bernal provide low-income housing for formerly homeless families with children. We provide comprehensive case management services to residents so they may maintain their housing and access resources for health and well-being.

A black and white silhouette of a house on a white background.

Jelani Family Residential Step Down

We operate Jelani JFRSD, a therapeutic transitional housing program for families breaking the cycle of addiction. Resident families have a parent who has completed an inpatient program. They may stay for up to two years while they establish independent living, while we provide support to maintain sobriety, obtain permanent housing and access community resources.

A black and white silhouette of a house on a white background.

Holloway House

We began operating Holloway House in 2024. Residents in this transitional housing program are formerly homeless families who are also involved in the child welfare system. They may stay up to three months while they establish independent living, and we provide support for them to reunite their family, obtain permanent housing and access community resources.

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